Facelift & Neck Lift in New Orleans

Look Younger with a Facelift in Metairie, LA

What is a facelift?

facelift in new orleansRhytidectomy or, as it is more commonly known: a facelift is a procedure involving surgery to correct any signs of neck and facial aging that are visible. Some of these signs include sagging in the face, deeper creases in the lower eyelids and along the nose and corners of the mouth, disappearance or extreme movements of facial fat, the appearance of jowls brought on by the loss of skin tone in the lower face, and the dreaded double chin.

Why should I get a facelift?

First off, facial aging is something that happens to everyone. Over time the skin begins to loosen in the neck and face areas, causing wrinkles, lines or creases, and the appearance of extra weight in the face and neck. These symptoms can be hereditary or caused by a number of different things such as lifestyle choices, sun exposure, and the pull of gravity. Because of these situations, the facelift has become the third most desired facial cosmetic surgical procedure.

What does it mean to have a facelift?

The term “facelift” comes literally from the practice that happens in the procedure. The skin is lifted off the face and then the skin and tissues beneath it are tightened. After that, the skin is shifted back into position and smoothed out over the face. The surgery will not change the patient’s fundamental appearance, or stop the process of aging, but it can give the patient a more youthful look.

What happens during the facelift surgery?

Surgery requires an incision in the temple area, circling around the front of the ear. Since the incision usually falls along the hairline, any scarring or marks are less noticeable. The skin is then lifted so that the muscles and tissue underneath can be tightened. There may also be a process where excess fat and skin is removed. Other incisions may take place within the lower eyelid or under the upper lip. Once the procedure is finished the skin is then placed back over the face and any incisions are sutured. The process usually lasts several hours and the patient often will spend the night in the hospital, though some may be permitted to go home the same day.

Before and After Facelift Procedure

facelift surgery before and after

What kind of recovery should I expect?

The face will be bandaged to help minimize any swelling and/or bruising and drainage tubes can be inserted to drain any excess fluids that collect under the skin. Usually, these dressings and any drainage tubes are removed a few days after the procedure. While most patients experience only minimal pain after surgery, medication will still be prescribed by the surgeon to combat any pain. The surgeon will also recommend cold compresses to be used in order to keep any swelling and bruising down. The entire recovery process usually takes anywhere between two and four weeks.

A facelift can dramatically change how a patient feels about themselves, giving one a more youthful, exuberant appearance and boosting any self-esteem problems with regards to aging or looks. It should be noted, again, that your face will continue to age, but facelifts can help reduce the anxiety one suffers from growing older.

How much does a facelift cost?

At the Cleft and Facial Cosmetic Surgery Center, standard pricing for a facelift is $5,900. Because this is an elective procedure the majority of insurances do not cover the cost of the procedure. You can see more of our pricing at our page here.

Neck Lift

A neck lift is essentially the same idea as a facelift, but can be done in a variety of different ways, including injections of Botox, or by using liposuction to remove any excess fat. Aging in the neck may also not necessarily be the reason a patient goes through the procedure. May patients who have neck lifts are those that have lost a significant amount of weight and want to remove excess skin. It also may be a hereditary issue for the present and surgery can be used to correct any cosmetic problems.

Woman considering a neck lift

What Is the Best Age to Get a Neck Lift?

Patients can benefit the most from neck lifts if they are between the ages of 35 and 65. Patients who have skin laxity, wrinkles, sagging, and other skin conditions that happen as a result of signs of aging will see better results from their neck lift in comparison to younger patients in their 20s. If the skin on a patient’s neck looks loose or if they have jowls, they could be a great candidate for a neck lift.

What Is a Mini Neck Lift?

Different from the traditional neck lift, the mini neck lift involves less dissection, minimizing the risk of scarring in patients. This procedure focuses on eliminating jowls, double chins, and excessive fat in the lower face with typically only one incision, leading to a shorter procedure with a faster recovery time.

Are Neck Lifts Safe?

Yes, a neck lift is a safe procedure for patients looking to improve the appearance of the lower half of their face. However, just like any other surgery, the neck lift surgery procedure can include:

  • Anesthesia complications
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Hematoma
  • Infection
  • Numbness
  • Chronic pain
  • Poor wound healing
  • Swelling
  • Nerve injury
  • Deep venous thrombosis.

Patients should note that these risks are quite rare, and under the care of Dr. Jeffrey N. James MD, DDS, MBA, FACS, FAACS, who prioritizes patient comfort and safety with each procedure, patients will be able to easily manage common side effects and avoid potential risks from their neck lift procedure.

How Painful Is a Neck Lift?

On average, neck lift patients describe the pain of their procedure as very mild. Because anesthesia is used during the procedure, most discomfort is not felt while the neck lift is being performed.

During recovery, patients can expect to experience swelling and bruising, which are common side effects of facial surgery. The number one concern with discomfort from a neck lift is that the skin may feel tight or thick afterward. However, these common side effects should disappear within one to two weeks. For some patients, swelling may take several months to disappear completely.

What Is Neck Lift Recovery Like?

While the recovery process will vary from patient to patient, most patients will heal from their bruising, swelling, and post-surgery side effects within two weeks. After this time period, most patients go back to looking normal and may return to work and their daily routines. During recovery, it’s important to follow Dr. James' after-care instructions to avoid complications during healing. These instructions may include:

  • Maintaining your bandage
  • Being gentle with your face
  • Taking the proper medications to aid healing and reduce potential infection
  • Keeping your head elevated
  • Avoiding applying ice to the treated area
  • Avoiding rigorous physical activity

How Long Do the Results from a Neck Lift Last?

Although a neck lift can reverse signs of aging, it cannot prevent aging from happening. The results from a neck lift can last up to ten years with the proper skin care. However, the appearance of a patient’s results may change due to natural aging over time. Applying sunscreen daily and committing to a healthy lifestyle will help patients maintain optimal results, keeping the skin looking firm and youthful.

Schedule a Consultation for a Facelift & Neck Lift Today

At the Cleft and Facial Cosmetic Surgery Center, standard pricing for a neck lift is $5,900. The cost for a full neck and facelift is $6,525. Because this is an elective procedure, the majority of insurance companies do not cover the cost of the procedure. You can see more of our pricing on our page here.

Take a look at our photo gallery to see real before and after facelift results in Metairie. For more information or to schedule a personal consultation, please call 504.619.8700.

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  • 01. Get to know Dr. James.

  • 02. Help them understand you and your goals.

  • 03. Learn about our services and specialties.

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